AfiAct II

 main afiact

Good fertility management means that cows calve at optimal intervals to maintain milk production at the highest possible level.

Years of research and field experience have demonstrated the strong and direct correlation between heat (estrus) and increased cow activity. AfiAct II, the world's leading automatic heat detection system, using the strong and direct correlation between heat and increased cow activity, measures the walking, resting and standing activity of heifers and milk cows with the use of sensor technology and helps to increase the pregnancy rate while reducing the overall fertility cost per cow.

Thanks to its round-the-clock monitoring, the heat detection indications are extremely accurate and reliable in contrast to traditional methods, thus reducing the open days, work and cost of medication as well as observation, pregnancy checks and hormone treatments.

  1. Features

High system accuracy

  • Data collection from any point on the farm (up to hundreds of meters).
  • Highest heat detection rate, lowest rate of false alerts.
  • Results updated every hour.

Simple and easy installation

  • Off-the-shelf Wi-Fi router.
  • No need for network cabling.


  • Simple operation, maintenance, calibration and installation.