Cow farm in Serres, Greece

This farm in Serres is home to over 300 milk producing Holstein cows. Given that each cow produces an average of 35 lt of milk a day, this unit required a 24hour milking system in order to be able to cope with the large productivity as well as in order to maintain and even increase its productivity in the future.

In order to meet the above-mentioned requirements, the MP Armektron Superb 2Χ12 made of stainless steel AISI 304 (DIN 1.4301) was installed in the farm. The flexible designing of the trap in accordance with the appropriate dimensions of the milking stall and the corridor as well as its easy indexing played a significant role in the uninterrupted movement of animals, in the creation of a feeling of comfort, in the reduction of stress and consequently in the increase of productivity. Moreover, the quick exiting mechanism has significantly accelerated the entrance and exiting of the animals in the milking pen by facilitating and accelerating the whole milking procedure.

It is important to mention that the Afifarm herd management system was installed to the unit for output analysis, health check, milking precision, diagnosis of mastitis, milk composition analysis and detection of estrus.

After the completion of the above-mentioned project, the owner and manager of the farm, visibly satisfied by the results, has assured us that the milking process can now be completed in half the time that would be required if the old milking system was used. Moreover, thanks to the individual high precision milk measurement system the capabilities of the herd were increased, increasing the produced milk quantity while thanks to the health and mastitis diagnosis system, the production of unsaleable milk was reduced thus increasing the profitability of the unit.


Type: MP Armektron Superb 2 x 12 with Afimilk Electronic Herd Management
Date:  March 2014
Location: Peponia, Serres, Greece
Capacity:  300 Holstein cows