Goat farm in Constanta, Romania

The Constanta Project was completed in 2013. It included the installation of a sheep and goat milking system of the MP Armektron Fast 4 All range made of stainless steel AISI 304 (DIN 1.4301) 2x48 with 96 milking positions, two closed type milk cooling tanks MP Powertank with a volume of 6000lt each and two heat regenerators MP EcoHeat with a volume of 500lt.

During that period, the farm housed two different breeds of high output goats, more specifically Zaanen and Alpine goats, with 2600 milkable animals and an average of 3.3lt a day of milk production with a two-hour milking a day over 300 days.

Due to the increased production of milk, the Afishepherd herd management tool was added to the MP Armektron Fast 4 All for the collection of information regarding the output of each animal. Afishepherd creates a complete database for the farm and the animals contained therein thus facilitating the preparation of the relevant reports, which was proven especially important for the long term designing and the investment plan of the farm.

For the washing and the inspection of the transmitters, the automated MP Armektron 2to1 Pulse & Wash system with the fully adjustable parameters and software that can be upgraded through the MP Nautilus inverter for further savings was selected. As a total, an important decrease in the operating expenses was achieved (water, disinfectants, energy). The installation of the two MP EcoHeat was extremely significant, as the heat generated by the cooling machine was recycled and water did not need to be re-heated using electricity.

Today, the farm has managed to expand its exporting activity with regard to the dairy products it produces and can now make its products available in even more markets than in the past.


Type: MP Armektron Fast 4 All 2x48 with Afimilk Electonic Herd Management
Date:  October 2013
Location:  Constanta, Romania
Capacity:  2600 Zaanen and Alpine goats