Educational Visit of the Institutes of Vocational Training of Ioannina and Igoumenitsa


On Friday, 19/2/2016, the students of the Departments “Dairy Products Preparation Techniques” of the Institutes of Vocational Training of Ioannina and Igoumenitsa have carried out an educational visit to the premises of Milkplan S.A. the top company for livestock farm equipment in Greece.

After their welcoming to the premises, a short presentation of the scope of activities of the company and its products was carried out. Students showed a great interest for the completed projects carried out by the company in farms abroad, as well as for the milking systems, the milk cooling tanks and the new family-size cheese dairy.

Then tours were organized both around the area where the new family-size cheese dairy MP Home Cheese Pro is located and around the factories of the company, where visitors had the opportunity to see up close the production process and to learn more about the products and the quality control procedure followed. This way students had the opportunity to enrich their knowledge in the sector of mechanical equipment used in cheese dairies and stable facilities, which is the backbone of their curriculum.

The directors of the two Institutes of Vocational Training and the accompanying professors showed deep appreciation to the company for its hospitality, while Milkplan proved that it wishes to support the efforts of the Institutes of Vocational Training in various areas, as for instance in the practical training of their students.